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Water Bills will remain to be due by the 15th of each month; late fees are applied to accounts not paid by or on this date.  Late fees are calculated at 15% of the past due balance.

Effective July 1st, 2012, Water Bills over 45 days past due will be subject to disconnection.  Water Bills may be your only warning of potential disconnect.  Service that has been disconnected for non-payment will require payment in full, plus a $75.00 re-connect fee (additional fees may be assessed if account requires additional re-connections due to non-payment).  Also, new on July 1st, any property owner who owns rental property will become responsible for any unpaid balances connected with their rental properties.  If a tenant leaves owing, the landlord will be required to settle the account before services can be established for a new tenant.

City of Danielsville requires a health and safety inspection to be completed and approved, through our office, prior to utility services being connected and each new tenant moving in (resident or commercial) and to contact city hall for further information.

2025 Water & Sewer Rate Schedule

Effective February 2025

Residential Water Rates

Commercial Water Rates

Utility Deposits & Other Fees

Fire Riser/Sprinkler Rates

Bulk Water Rates & Deposits

Sewer Rates & Information

Sewer Tap & Availability Rates

Fees above include meter, meter box, tap, 10 ft. section of pipe from the main to the service connection, supplies and materials, hourly equipment rate, labor or other cost incurred during installation.  This fee does not include the cost of boring.  If underground boring is required to connect the customer to the city's existing water and/or sewer line, the customer shall be responsible for this cost.  A tap fee shall be charged for each new meter connected to the city water and/or sewer lines, even if several meters are connected by a single "tap" during connection to the same city service line.  All fees must be  paid at the time the application is submitted. 

*Specifications are available and required for any one installing their own water or sewer taps.  Water and sewer taps will have to pass inspection by the City of Danielsville Water Department before service begins.*

1) Be a licensed plumber and/or utility contractor (show proof)
2) Be on the list of licensed plumbers for the city
3) Show proof of liability insurance
4) 1 year replacement on meter and installation

Sewer Rates

Residential Sewer Rates

Commercial Sewer Rates

Commercial Waste Water Pre-Treatment Rates

Trash Rates & Information

The city's solid waste vendor servicing our community every Monday. the only holidays taken by our vendor are: New Year's Day, memorial Day, Fourth of July, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. If the Collection Day falls on any of these holidays your cart will be serviced the following business day. Please keep the following in mind when using our solid waste vendor services:

  • Use only approved trash carts. must have the solid wast vendors logo present. 

  • Trash cart(s) shall be placed at the curb no earlier than 6:00 pm the day before pickup.

  • Trash cart(s) shall be removed from the curb and returned to the garage, side or rear of the residence or building no later than by the end of the day of collection. 

  • Trash cart(s) shall be placed on the curb or beside they roadway in front of the residence.

  • Do not place cart in the gutter or in the street or alley in such manner as to interfere with pedestrian or vehicular traffic. 

  • All trash must be placed securely in bags and tightly closed. 

  • All trash must be placed in the trash cart. DO NOT place anything on the ground beside the cart. Such items will not be picked up.

Residential/Business Fee

Commercial Dumpster Fee 

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